Stories Worth Your Time

Stories Worth Your Time
Email Jayden@Popinjay.XyZ to request to be a Beta Reader.
Become an expert on the Perfect True Gender Society of the 23rd Century.
As a practice-run reader of Popinjay, you will have a unique insight and look into the creative development of this futuristic dystopian society, based on events in American 21st Century culture and politics.
The first ten Beta Readers will receive a personally autographed copy of the published novel.
First six chapters are ready for you.
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Coming 15 September 2023--Shadows, a Feary Tales novella
by Edwin A. Dark.
A psychological horror tale not so much of the Supernatural but of the Unnatural.
I have taught high school for 40 years: Comparative Mythology, Speculative Fiction, Ancient & Classical Literature, Creative Writing, and Guitar.
Having grown up on Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, Alfred Hitchcock, and all those 50s schlock science fiction and horror movies, I naturally gravitated to writing Science Fiction, Horror, and even a bit of Fantasy. I once tried to write a Romance novel, but it turned into a Horror Novel by chapter two.
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